The Secret To Creating A Winning Ad.

Published on 4 May 2024 at 18:04

Capture your perfect customer's attention by doing this.
In this article I'll tell you exactly how to make your ads more effective, capture more attention and get you more clients…  

Let me briefly take you back to when I ran my ecommerce business. Before I knew how important marketing was I spent days just making videos and perfecting pictures to showcase the uses of my product. Thinking the product would sell itself if I showed how helpful it could be.   

Safe to say I was dead wrong. I thought I had the ad no one could refuse, I kept looking over it and I couldn't find what the issue was. Why wasn't I making the sales? I know people are buying this product elsewhere, now what am I doing wrong?  


I was ignoring my perfect customer without even realizing it.

Once I learned this my business grew by leaps and bounds.

The Trainstation Problem.


Picture a busy trainstation. People are everywhere, it’s crowded, noisy, chaotic. And let’s say you HAD to get my attention.


How would you do it?


You could start asking people one by one if they had seen me. But there’s thousands of them, so that’s not practical.


You could yell and hope you’d spot me in the crowd. But most people would probably just think you’re off your rocker and ignore it. You might even get hauled off by the police.


The best way to get my attention?


Shout my name.


Makes perfect sense. But what does that have to do with getting your perfect client?


Bleeding Necks


When I work with clients I ask a lot of questions. One of them is: “Who is your perfect client? Who is perfect for your product or service?”


And every once in a while, a client says: “Everyone! We sell to everyone!”


No. You don’t. For two reasons:


  1. Not everyone needs your product or service. 
  2. If you try to appeal to everyone, you’ll end up appealing to no one.


Your perfect client has a certain problem or desire. Something they want. 


In the marketing business we call this a ‘bleeding neck’ problem. Something you want to solve right away. An itch you want to scratch ASAP.     


Reaching your perfect client


Let me show you how this works in practice.

Let’s say you’re a chiropractor. You’re probably looking to sell to anyone you can in your area whether or not they're in pain. 


But lets say most of your clients come with either back or neck pain, so you’re trying to reach people living their life with discomfort and aching pain on a daily basis.


The Absolute WORST thing you can do is put up an ad, or post something saying this.



Johns chiropractor service


Start your journey to better health

If you’re looking to change your lifestyle, become more flexible, and enjoy the little things in life, call us for a free consultation and see exactly how we can help you.


  On the surface it looks like a decent ad. 


But it’s not.


Because it’s so bland, so vanilla, so nondescript… that no one is going to think:

“This is for ME!”

I mean if your goal is to reach people with back or neck pain this is not the way to go about this. 


If you want to reach your perfect client you need to make sure they have this exact response when they read your article or ad.


“This is for me. This scratches my itch. This person gets what I’m dealing with.”

Call out to the people with back or neck pain by pointing out if you’re dealing with this (back and neck pain) we solve that for you. You can be as simple as that or a little more creative. The main thing is to let them know what you can do for them and make it clear.


Don’t be afraid to stand out. In today’s crowded world it’s the only way to reach customers. 


If you want us to look at your marketing plan and see what we could do for you, get in touch here:  

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