2 Simple Advert Improvements To Never Struggle Getting Clients Again

Published on 4 May 2024 at 17:57


Improve these two simple components to your marketing and never again struggle getting customers.


Whether you own a business or you're selling a product/service we have all created ads, whether it's on Facebook, Instagram, or Google. It can feel like you're throwing money at these and have nothing to show for it. I know how frustrating it can be.


 Once you improve these two common issues in your ads, you'll have customers on demand.


Most of us running our business's spend tons of hours daily completing tasks and demands for our business. We simply don't have the time to get trained properly on how to run successful ad campaigns. 


What if I told you it doesn't have to be that complicated or time consuming. There are two important components to any ad that make it 100% more successful. Figure this out and it will change everything for your business.  


The obvious is usually overlooked


I spent months studying failing ad’s against winning ads. There were usually the same 2 correlations. The moment I realized this I started digging deeper into this topic feeling like I was onto something. 


You know the feeling you get when you’re about to crack a code or find out an important secret. You can focus on anything else I was consumed by trying to prove my theory to be true. So I spent the next several months reviewing countless more ads. I saw two commonalities in the winning ads that the failing ads were simply overlooking. 


Fix your marketing by doing this

 First and most importantly you must have a headline that demands attention. Point out a direct problem your potential customers are dealing with and ideally have your product or service solve it. You must look at it from their lens, think why someone would buy your product or service.


95% of all the winning ads I have studied had a headline that made me want to engage with it and keep reading. This seems so easy but even the biggest companies mess this up, unlike most businesses though, they have an immense marketing budget to shove it in your face everywhere you look. I’m working with businesses that don't have that kind of budget so knowing what you’re doing is paramount.  


 Secondly, it’s your offer. Your offer should be clear and include a guarantee showing people you believe in what you're selling. Showing them you're willing to have some skin in the game, a great way to put anyone's scam radar at ease. Building trust and understanding with your audience will bring people in and help you retain clients.


Give people a reason to trust you, personally if I see a guarantee it makes me think this product is actually going to do what it set out to do. The trust you can build with a customer will get them coming back for more and will make any ad pay for itself. A good ad won't cost you any money, it's there to make you profit.  


You can finally stop throwing money away on ads that don't work

Business owners are smart, I mean you own a business and are doing something most people will never get to do. Learning how to do everything I told you can be time consuming. You will have to go through a lot of trial and error. 




Reach out to me. I do this for a living. This is what I do all day everyday. You can send me a dm on Facebook, fill out the form or text me at (#####) to set up a call with us to see how we can help you change our ad to a winning one in a few minutes and/or we can take over your ad campaigns entirely and increase your sales in no time.

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